BJP MP Tarun Vijay Demands "Contempt of The Armed Forces Act" For National Unity, Integrity & Security
New Delhi, 16 March
BJP MP Tarun Vijay today raised the demand in to enact Special
Act to protect honour and dignity of the armed forces from the onslaughts of
the nefarious elements, who are active behind the veil of a false notion of
freedom of expression. He proposed to call it "Contempt of the Armed
Forces Act' on the lines of "Contempt of the Courts Act".
In his special mention today , which is bound to elicit a
written reply by the government , Tarun Vijay said that "The armed forces
are the symbol of our nation's unity and integrity. They are not built by the
mercenaries but by those patriotic missionaries who live and are ready to
sacrifice their lives for the motherland. Since ages heir contributions and
saga of bravery has formed the part of our collective memory, and they have
been held high in our esteem."
He further added that "Their pains, sorrows, the
turmoil in their minds have often gone un - noticed though. One of the
soldiers, writing on an internet site said,"If someone suffered most
severe human-rights violation in history of mankind, it was the Indian Army in
Kashmir. For days we would sleep over guns in harsh climate and remotest
locations just to keep tab on infiltrating militants. Anyone of us could be
bombed away in a sudden attack of fundamentalism. I lost my hand like so many
others who lost their limbs or eyes. '"
Explaining the need for the proposed act Tarun Vijay
said to the media that "Of late from certain quarters and
some centres of academics, under the false veil of freedom of speech, voices
against the soldiers and Indian army are being heard. The soldiers are mocked
at, their sacrifices are forgotten and they are blamed for all sorts of
irregularities as if they are threat to
national unity . Those who hurl abuses on them get praises from a misguided
section. But this trend needs to be stopped immediately.
Tarun Vijay said that " Hence I demand govt to consider
enacting a Contempt of Armed Forces act on the lines of Contempt of Court act
to take action against those who violate the basic duty expected of a citizen
by making an assault on the honour and dignity of our armed forces through
speeches, writings, posters and any other means."
He has mustered wide spread support on this issue from members
of his party.
BJP MP Tarun Vijay Demands "Contempt of The Armed Forces Act" For National Unity, Integrity & Security
Reviewed by National Defence

1.We the armed forces fraternity serving or retired would welcome such an understanding by the Honorable Member of Parliament. However, at Priority-I if we could enact a law of the Parliament on' ENFORCEABLE RIGHT TO RESETTLEMENT'.That would be a befitting reply to the privations that an Indian soldier, sailor and airman undergoes while serving or in his retired life, begging for employment.